Yen Tu mountain

Yen Tu mountain is located 140km from Hanoi city and 50km from Halong Bay. It is recognized to be one of the national treasure. Yen Tu pagoda is named after its mountain and has become Buddhist center since the Emperor Tran Nhan Tong (1258-1308) left his reign and started practicing Buddhism. He has built many temples, pagodas on Yen Tu mountain to help with his Buddhist practice, teaching and learning. The structure of Yen Tu pagoda is not too complex but it expresses a very ancient feeling to anyone who had a chance to visit this place. From the height of 1068m on the top of the Yen Tu mountain, you will see a vast Northeastern area with many islands in Halong Bay, just like a painting. The experience that many tourists have had is the challenge of climbing up the Yen Tu mountain. They are thriving to reach to the top to get to finally achieve the released feeling of being there. The air is light and crisp, the vibe is tranquil and calm, we bet this is one of the lifetime experiences that you might want to add to your wish list.