The Huong Pagoda

The Huong pagoda is built into the limestone Huong Tich mountains with the variety of Buddhis temples and shrines. Located in Hanoi, capital of Vietnam, Huong pagoda’s fist temple was built during the reign of Le Thanh Tong in the 15th century. Legend claims that the site was discovered over 2000 years ago by a monk meditating in the area. Over the years some of the structures were damaged and replaced, especially during the French and the American wars. As mentioned, Huong pagoda was made by many pagodas spreading out among the limestone hills and tropical forests in the area of Huong mountain, there are Presentation shrine, “Clearing Unjust Charges” pagoda, etc. The center of the Huong complex is Huong Tich Cave where a large statue of Buddha and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva made of a green stone are. Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is described as her left leg is stretched out and the foot lies on a lotus flower, he right leg is bent and is supported by a lotus flower with supple leaves, her hand holds a pearl. We are sure that this is the most amazing scene that you will never forget. Many Vietnamese visit Huong pagoda on religious pilgrimage. For the purpose of pilgrimage, there are several routes that one might take, but the most popular is to take a boat on the Yen River. Huong pagoda is famous for its legends and its references in literature as well as music. Imagine browsing your eyes on the river, listening to the Huong pagoda’s song, it will be the experience of the lifetime.