Tay Phuong pagoda

Tay Phuong pagoda is one of the oldest pagodas in Vietnam, legend said it was built during Mac dynasty, 1527-1677. It is located in district Thach That, Hanoi city, the structure is influenced by the 16th and 17th century. Tay Phuong pagoda has gone through many replacements and repairs but still keeps its original structure until today. There are 237 steps to get to the top of the mountain and the gate, you will notice the three parallel houses that made up the pagoda. The three houses were built with a two-layer roofs with such a very nice smooth curve towards four directions .In Tay Phuong pagoda, you are able to see many rare religious arts and structures in Vietnamese culture such as chrysanthemum, lotus, dragon, phoenix, tiger, etc. They are made beautifully by the artists of nearby area, Tong Nua. There are 72 statues made from special woods that considered as national treasure. Many other statues were built higher than human’s height, about 3m. Visiting Tay Phuong pagoda, you will experience a step back in the past and gain a blessed and tranquil mind.