Quan The Am pagoda

Quan The Am pagoda was initially constructed by the monk Thich Phap Nhan who said that he had dreams about the appearance of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva in the area. In 1957, Quan The Am pagoda was completed at the metal mountain, one of the Five Marble Mountains not too far from Danang city. This area is considered the most spiritual in Buddhism due to many pagodas and temples were built on the Marble Mountains. There are many caves connecting between the mountains and the view of the ocean are breath-taking. You will be impressed with the beauty of Avalokitevvara Bodhisattva statue right from the outside. The statue is in white color and standing on lotus flower and you will find the kindness and warmth when you’re looking toward her face. Every year on February 19 in lunar calendar, Quan The Am pagoda hosts the event for everyone wishing the best for the people, praying for the calming of the ocean and weather. The event attracts not only the locals but also many tourists because of its festive cultural celebration such as Chinese calligraphy, traditional performances, Buddha parades, etc. Imagine leaving the busy and loud city and come to Quan The Am pagoda to find the tranquility and Zen in you mind and soul.