Son Doong Cave – Phong Nha

Son Doong, the world’s largest cave, is located in the heart of Phong Nha- Ke Bang National Park in Quang Binh province of Central Vietnam. Since the discovery in 2009-2010, it has become the most attractive location to anyone who loves to overcome challenges and wants to conquer and explore. However, Son Doong cave is not simple to visit and you must have some skills and experiences in order to safely enjoy its beauty. Son Doong cave has a very complex structure, so you can not visit Son Doong by yourself. The only company has been issued to organize the tour is Oxalis, it is about $3,000 for a tour of 7 days and 6 nights. Son Doong cave is very challenging but dangerous, tourists must be at least 18 years old and have some survival skills, none of phobias, and some climbing experiences. All tourists must be honest with their medical history for a safe trip to Son Doong along with a required training period of 3 to 6 months. The tour bus will take you to the 39km mark on Ho Chi Minh route on the west, then you will walk to Doong valley, through the Van Kieu tribe. You will rest one night here and then in the morning, you will start the journey to Son Doong cave. There will be many amazing sightseeing during the tour. For foods supplies, some people have to carry fresh foods and vegetables so everyone can have a proper meal. Each tourist has to carry their own essentials and clothes. There will be portable toilets for you to use, camps, and other essentials. After each tour, the company will clean up. Please listen to the tour guide closely so you can enjoy the tour to its fullest.

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