Phu Quoc Island

Dao Ngoc Phu Quoc, the largest island in Vietname, is well-known for its beautiful white-sand beaches and resorts. Located in the Gulf of Thailand, Phu Quoc is the heaven on earth and local people call it with a beautiful name, Jewel Island. Before Phu Quoc became famous for tourist around the world with the name heaven on earth, it was once called hell on earth during Vietnam-France war.

They built many tortured places to imprison Vietnamese, they are quite scary for some people. If you are brave enough, you can visit all of these historic remarks when you’re in Phu Quoc. Vietnam tries to reserve Phu Quoc’s natural beauty as much as they can, and no wonder it has become one of the top 10 destinations that tourists choose every time they visit Vietnam. The island has a total area of 574 square kilometers (222 sq mi) and a permanent population of approximately 103,000. From March 2014, Vietnam allowed all foreign tourist to visit Phu Quoc visa-free for a period of up to 30 days. You will have time to have a five-star resort side by side with beautiful beaches, traditional palm trees of Southeast Asia