Kon Tum wooden church

Situated on the romantic blue Dak Bla river, Kon Tum city is always an interesting destination for tourists who would like to explore the unspoiled nature of the hug forest. In addition, visitors also have the chance to contemplate for a unique architectural work designed in Roman architecture style and combined with the shape of house on stilts of Bahnar ethnic  community in West Highland existed more than 100 years. It is the cathedral of Kon Tum diocese built by a French priest in 1913.

This church use to be called as Kon Tum wooden church; because the most of this religious construction was made by precious wood such as ironwood, rose-wood and ca-chit, the walls were made of soil mixed straw, two roofs tiled with slate tiles. All construction was made in hands by skillful artists from Binh Dinh, Quang Nam.

The interior and the sanctuary are decorated with the patterns, brocades of the minority groups in the Central Highlands, which close to their daily life but still keeps feeling of divine, solemn and make a strange feeling to the visitors.

The campus of the church has  stilt-houses with very high roof, there displayed  the saint statues carved from the roots, makes here become the religious space of the minority ethnic groups, here is also the hall for victors relaxing and displaying ethnic and religious products …

Nowadays, this remarkable construction has become a symbol of the West Highlands, the pride of the people of Kon Tum city and attracted to visitors when to visit the highlands.

If you go to visit this church during Christmas, Easter, you will find here thousands of Christians who come to minority parishes, they stay in the ground during a week to attend the liturgies. These days, the church become the shopping and business scenes with lots of handicraft products as timber, brocades and tree bark brought from the villages for sale.

Behind the church, there is also an orphanage as well as and vocational training center for venerable children of ethnic minorities. Therefore, the visitors come here to visit and pray only, but you also have the chance to express your love through helping the nuns to care these children  with disabilities.