Hung King’s Worship-Vietnamese people’s magnificent, long-standing belief

Hung King worship, a long-standing Vietnamese religion that dates back to ancient times. Hung King’s worship beliefs have been designated by UNESCO as “intangible cultural heritage” of humanity and they are a source of pride in our traditional culture. We are fortunate to have you as a companion to reconnect to the old belief in worship throughout the Vietnamese people’s traditional festivals.

1. Hung King’s beliefs worship origin

King Hung Vuong was the son of Lac Long Quan’s father, according to Vietnamese tradition. The ancient Van Lang state was created by King Hung Vuong (currently Phu Tho province). In the beliefs of Hung King worshipper, he is not only a great king who has constructed a powerful kingdom, but also the god of ancestors involved with farming, instructing people to plow fields, transplant rice, and be the god who gives spirits to the land, houses, and bumper crops.

nguồn gốc Thờ cúng vua Hùng Vương

The custom of honoring Hung King stems from the belief in ancestors worship, which is one of the distinctive beliefs that play an important role and has a large effect on the spiritual lives of Vietnamese.Phu Tho province was the first to be established as a result of the practice of worshiping Hung King, it quickly spread throughout the country.

Hung King and the Hung Temple ritual in Vietnam is not really a religion or sect, but rather the people’s respect, thanks to those who established the country. This respectful conviction is carried down from many generations and  still being passed to now.

2. The Hung King’s worship belief – A cultural heritage that recognized by UNESCO.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) formally accepted Hung King worshiping as the emblematic intangible cultural heritage of mankind in 2012.

Thờ cúng vua Hùng Vương được UNESCO công nhận

Traditional Hung King worship is usually performed at places dedicated to renowned persons from Hung King’s time, such as Nong God, Hung King, Lac Long Quan, Au Co, Son Tinh, and others. Local worship Hung King at Hung King temple on Nghia Linh Mountain. At Hung Temple Historical Site, many temple such as Ha Temple, Trung Temple, Thuong, Gieng Temple, and Hung Temple were all built.

3.Hung King’s worship – Vietnamese proud

The Worship of Hung King, also known as the Hung Kings’ Death Anniversary, is a significant festival in Vietnam and is regarded as the country’s second national day.

Thờ cúng vua Hùng Vương - lòng tự hào dân tộc

Million of pilgrimer flock to Nghia Linh Mountain each year to worship Hung Vuong King and recall the tremendous virtues of individuals who have done meritorious service to the country. People pray to Hung King for good weather, excellent harvests, good luck, and good health for themselves and their family in addition to worshiping Hung Vuong King.

As a result, worshiping  not only demonstrates national pride, but also the Vietnamese people’s awareness of history and national togetherness. It is an impassioned manifestation of the people’s veneration for their ancestors’ history and the nation’s intangible cultural heritage.

4. Preserve and develop cultural historic sites of Hung King’s worship

Among hundreds of different heritages, one of the most significant is the practices and rituals of honoring the Hung King. This is not simply a belief, but also Hung King’s live memory. The adoration of Hung King has always been preserved and fostered from generation to generation, despite various historical ups and downs. Every year, from early feudal times to the present, the worship of the Hung King is arranged polite and courteously.

bảo tồn và phát triển Thờ cúng vua Hùng Vương

According to Mr. Nguyen Xuan Cac – Director of Hung Temple Historic Site, to restore, maintain and sustainably preserve this human heritage until today, it is necessary to screen community participants. The result will be plans and safeguards put in place by a community of expert knowledge.

5. Conclusion

We believe that this sharing post will help you better comprehend the Vietnamese people’s profound national spirit. Discover the origins of the Hung King’s devotion, which dates back to ancient times. Know the people’s appreciation of the monarch, the hero, and the nation’s deity. If you want to see how big the Hung Temple celebration is, attempt to go to the Nghia Linh mountain location to see this.


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